snxʷmeneʔ nqʷlqʷeltn
6190 Agency Loop Road
PO Box 100
Wellpinit, WA 99040
Spokane Tribe Language and Culture
ƛ̓uxʷ šey̓ lʔe n šiyulexʷ We have always walked this land
Albert Sam
łuʔ tn̓ q̓sípiʔ sqʷel̓lum̓t
A Long Ago Legend
Illustrated by Annette Peone
łuʔ tn q̓sípiʔ u qe cułlt
From long ago we were told
hi kʷen̓t u xʷrip łuʔ st̓úlixʷ. pspast! hi mtmutlš, mtmutlš, mtmutlš! šʔit u č̓ ʔečéwt.
Suddenly the ground shook. It was astounding! It bubbled, bubbled, and bubbled! From the first to the last.
šétmiʔst łiʔé sqélixʷ. hec caʔcaʔcáʔi, hec coʔcʔóti.
The people ran helter-skelter. They were sobbing and wailing.
kʷen̓t nlq̓ʷlq̓ʷpúleʔxʷ łiʔe st̓u.lixʷ, y̓e hec mq̓ʷmoq̓ʷ.
Then the ground and mountains tore apart.
kʷen̓t šeʔ u hec nt̓itypmí, nexʷ y̓e xʷixʷey̓úł, hec c̓lc̓il, hecyáʕ̓ stem̓.
Then they were all falling in, also the animals, the trees, everything.
kʷen̓t łiʔé hec t̓rt̓réʔi, hec ̓uwéčnti, hec t̓ipéysi, hoy per̓t łuʔ st̓úlixʷ.
Then it was thundering and lightening, it was raining, and the earth flooded.
y̓e č̓ ʔecʷéwt, mis ttwit u mis šéšutm čcnweʔxʷ u č̓łčic n čq̓ʷulsm. tl̓ s̓e u hec ʔáʔacx̣sc.
In the end, and older boy and an older girl met each other and reached Mt. Spokane. From there they watched.
hoy u eł t̓ʔul̓. hec nsʕʷo łuʔ sewłkʷ.
Things improved. The water drained.
u wíʔičis č̓ ʔišút u hec mʕʷop. xʷuy u wíʔičis y̓e qʷamqʷmt st̓ipmétkʷ u łuʔ sƛ̓x̣etkʷs.
They saw flowing water down below. They went and saw this beautiful waterfall and its rapids.
"heh, ʔení! stem̓ łišéʔ nt̓yšetkʷ? smłič! snxʷméneʔ! "
"Oh! What is that crawling in the water? A salmon! A steelhead!"
šey̓ huł smłič u xʷlíʔil. u kʷen̓t tl̓ še čsel u x̣cic łuʔ snxʷméneʔi, łuʔ sntuʔtʔúlixʷi, u łuʔ scqescíłni.
From those salmon they got life, and from those two arose the Middle Spokane, the Upper Spokane, and the Lower Spokane peoples.