snxʷmeneʔ nqʷlqʷeltn
6190 Agency Loop Road
PO Box 100
Wellpinit, WA 99040
Spokane Tribe Language and Culture
ƛ̓uxʷ šey̓ lʔe n šiyulexʷ We have always walked this land
Albert Sam
Lesson 1: Greetings
ʔa x̣est skʷekʷst - Hello, good morning
ʔa x̣est sx̣lx̣alt - Hello, good day
ʔa x̣est sč̓luxʷ - Hello, good evening
ʔa x̣est skʷkʷʔec - Hello, good night
i... - yes / likewise
n̓em heł wíčtm - I will see you again.
kʷʔec̓ščén̓? - How are you?
hi čn x̣is - I'm fine.
čn ayx̣ʷt - I'm tired.
čn weyt - I'm sick.
stem̓ ha skʷest ? - What is your name?
hi skʷest ____. - My name is.....
____ łuʔ hi skʷest. - My name is.....
Lesson 2: Numbers
nk̓ʷuʔ - One
ʔesel - Two
čeʔłes - Three
mus - Four
cil - Five
t̓aq̓n - Six
sisp̓l̓ - Seven
hʔen̓m - Eight
x̣x̣n̓ut - Nine
ʔupn - Ten
ʔupn heł nk̓ʷuʔ - Eleven
ʔupn heł ʔesel - Twelve
ʔupn heł čeʔłes - Thirteen
ʔupn heł mus - Fourteen
ʔupn heł cil - Fifteen
ʔupn heł t̓aq̓n - Sixteen
ʔupn heł sisp̓l̓ - Seventeen
ʔupn heł hʔen̓m - Eighteen
ʔupn heł x̣x̣n̓ut - Nineteen
ʔeslʔupn - Twenty
ʔeslʔupn heł nk̓ʷuʔ - Twenty-One
ʔeslʔúpn heł esel - Twenty-Two
čeʔłʔupn - Thirty
msłʔupn - Forty
clčłʔupn - Fifty
t̓q̓nčłʔupn - Sixty
ssp̓l̓č̓łʔupn - Seventy
heʔn̓młʔupn - Eighty
x̣x̣n̓tłʔupn - Ninety
nk̓ʷoʔqin - One Hundred
Lesson 3: Foods 1
smłič - salmon
ʔuʔúseʔ - eggs
patáq - potato
p̓iy̓áq - bread
lkʷosó - pork
pins - beans
snc̓áx̣leʔxʷ - fry bread
st̓šałq - huckleberries
c̓ʔúlixʷ sqeltč - deer meat
sx̣ʷáq̓ʷłc̓eʔ - ground meat (hamburger meat)
nq̓ʔew̓s - sandwich or hamburger
Lesson 4: Physical Descriptions 1
sk̓ʷuk̓ʷíml̓t - young
p̓x̣ʷp̓x̣ʷut - old
q̓ʷuct - fat
čt̓as - skinny
kʷtnalqʷ - tall
k̓ʷk̓ʷim̓áleqʷ - short
č̓sus - ugly
x̣x̣éseʔt - pretty
swiʔnúmti - good-looking
yoyót - strong
x̣ʷupt - weak
Lesson 5: State of Being
čsq̓meltn - hungry
nx̣m̓pcin - thirsty
npiyéls - happy
pupusénč - sad
sʔitč - sleepy
meł - rested
meʔ - nervous/excited
cexʷ - disappointed, feeling blah
šer̓r̓ - bored
ƛ̓aq̓ - hot
suy̓ - cold
qim - calm
Lesson 6: Personality Traits
nqimls - patient
q̓e - impatient
psáyeʔ - stupid, dumb
sisyús - smart
xʷupt - lazy
q̓ʷiłq̓ʷłt - hard-working
nč̓sels - mean
nx̣isls - nice
łen - serious
x̣stm̓em̓n̓ - funny
c̓ʔeš - shy
x̣mnłtumš - out-going, friendly
nmemeʔcín - talkative
Lesson 7: Colors
sq̓ey̓i - colors
kʷil - red
kʷriʔ - yellow or orange
qʷin - green or purple
qʷay - blue
piq - white
p̓um - brown
paʕ - gray
hen - pink
q̓ʷay - black
Lesson 8:Drinks
kapi - coffee
sqʔem - milk
sewłkʷ - water
nt̓iškʷ - pop or juice
liti - tea
nx̣ʷuskʷ - beer
scsust - wine
Lesson 9: Weather
l̓ čen hu hec̓ c̓x̣ił łuʔ č̓ol̓sqeʔ - What is the weather like today?
hi ƛ̓aq̓ - it is hot
hi c̓er̓t - it is cold
hi qʷec - it is warm
hi suy̓ - it is cool (chilly)
hi kʷkʷl̓il̓ - it is sunny
hec new̓ti - it is windy
hec t̓ipeysi - it is raining
hec mx̣ʷpmi - it is snowing
hec sc̓sl̓useʔey̓ - it is hailing
Lesson 10: Places To Go
wusšnełxʷ - Longhouse
slaq̓ist - Sweathouse
citxʷ - House
snmryemistn - Clinic
snwitełxʷtn - Hospital
sntumistn - Store
snm̓em̓ey̓eʔtn - School
snč̓awmn - Church
snx̣cx̣cʔmintn - Casino
čłq̓l̓iʔ - Lake
mq̓ʷmoq̓ʷ - Mountains
sx̣cin - Beach
town - city
ntx̣ʷetkʷ - River
Lesson 11: Having A Meal
c̓ur - salt
tx̣tax̣ - pepper
čmiƛ̓mn - butter
t̓iš - sugar
łekʷpcin̓tn̓ - fork
łuʔmn - spoon
n̓inč̓m̓n̓ - knife
qpełc̓eʔ - plate
snsustn - cup
x̣x̣al̓ - glass
l̓pot - cup, mug
ʔep̓mn - napkin
Lesson 12: Telling Time
ƛ̓e heł nk̓ʷuʔ - It is one o’clock
ƛ̓e heł ʔesel - It is two o’clock
ƛ̓e heł čeʔłes - It is three o’clock
ƛ̓e heł mus - It is four o’clock
ƛ̓e heł cil - It is five o’clock
ƛ̓e heł t̓aq̓n - It is six o’clock
ƛ̓e heł sisp̓l̓ - It is seven o’clock
ƛ̓e heł hʔen̓m - It is eight o’clock
ƛ̓e heł x̣x̣n̓ut - It is nine o’clock
ƛ̓e heł ʔupn - It is ten o’clock
ƛ̓e heł ʔupn heł nk̓ʷuʔ - is eleven o’clock
ƛ̓e ntx̣ʷx̣ʷqin - It is noon
ƛ̓e tx̣ʷew̓s skʷkʷʔec - It is midnight
Lesson 13: Foods 2
lipli - Corn
swipł snptoleʔxʷ - Macaroni
sw̓ew̓ł - Fish
sx̣setkʷ - Soup
łx̣ʷłox̣ʷ - Cherries
q̓it̓q̓m̓ - Strawberries
snw̓el̓ul̓eʔxʷ - Toast
sƛ̓uk̓ʷm - Carrots
lipul - Chicken
ʔapl - apple
Lesson 14: Physical Descriptions 2
čpmpums - brown eyes
čqʷnqʷins - green eyes
čqʷiqʷays - blue eyes
čq̓ʷayqn - black hair
čp̓omqn - brown hair
čp̓ax̣ʷqn - blond hair
čxʷxʷixʷectqn - short hair
čwisšnqn - long hair
q̓ʷuł - dark (skinned)
x̣al - fair (skinned)
Lesson 15: Actions
nkʷnem - sing
xʷt̓ip - run
men̓xʷ - smoke
k̓ʷl̓sncut - cook
ʕawʕawm - read
k̓ʷul̓ - work
m̓em̓scut - play (games)
nč̓rip - swim
xʷk̓ʷum - clean
čxʷaq̓ʷn̓č - play/strum (instrument)
Lesson 16: Classroom Objects
łp̓mineʔ - pen
łp̓min - pencil
q̓iʔmin - paper
q̓iʔmintn - marker
xʷk̓ʷmin - eraser
q̓iʔmin - notebook
snq̓eymintn - desk
snčłʔiłntn - table
snʔemutn - chair
sčłq̓iʔmintn - whiteboard/chalkboard
Lesson 17: Clothes
sql̓tmxʷal̓qs - shirt
smʔem x̣cnum̓tn - blouse
snʔacłq̓ey̓t - dress
snʔołups - pants
q̓eʔšin - shoe
q̓aq̓eʔšin - shoes
nq̓ʷuƛ̓šn - sock
snq̓ʷƛ̓q̓ʷuƛ̓šn - socks
č̓łyišyištaqšn - underwear
č̓łyištpal̓qs - women’s underclothes
lkepu - coat
qʷacqn - hat
sp̓sip̓iʔšn - moccasins
Lesson 18: Body Parts
spłqin - head
ʔur̓in - stomach
č̓mičn̓ - back
soq̓m̓ep - rear end
q̓ʷomqn - hair
sčkʷƛ̓kʷƛ̓ustn - eyes
t̓eneʔ - ear
t̓n̓t̓en̓eʔ - ears
sp̓saqs - nose
splim̓cn - mouth
sčwax̣n - arm
čelš - hand
scowačst - finger
sčč̓maqstšn - leg
sc̓uʔšin - foot
scošin - toe
*Audio Can Be Found In The Lessons Book 1 Section for words in Lesson1-18.
How Sun & Moon Came To Be
(Selected Words)
1. amotqn - creator, god
2. ceʔkʷ - if
3. c̓ért - it’s cold
4. čmiš - only
5. heʔcyaʕ̓ - all. Everything. Everyone
6. hoy - finished, all done, quit that, it stopped
7. k̓ʷék̓ʷt̓n̓eʔ - mouse
8. kʷkʷʔec - night
9. łam̓áy̓eʔ - frog
10. m̓iymeyeʔms - know or tell? (he is teaching something)
11. nóx̣ʷnox̣ʷs - his wife
12. nwisšl̓šm - he raised something up high
13. pƛ̓alqsm - he undressed, removed his clothes
14. p̓eʔxʷmiys - bright (he made it bright)
15. púl̓ye - gopher
16. pupuʔsenč - sad
17. puti - still
18. qʷoqʷomscut - making one’s self crazy
19. qʷoqʷoscot - he’s in trouble
20. qʷlqʷeʔlti - talking
21. šey̓ - that
22. sč̓masq̓t - the sky is dark
23. sčč̓masq̓t - sky, heaven
24. sčqʷʔeʔms - (he, she, it) accustomed to
25. smʔém - woman
26. snineʔ - owl
27. sp̓ʔaq̓ - a light
28. spilye - coyote
29. sp̓q̓n̓iʔ - month, sun, moon
30. sqe̓lixʷ - man
31. sqʷseʔs - son (suffix “s” - his,her)
32. st̓ulixʷ - earth
33. swsšnalqs - long road, long nose, long dress/skirt
34. sx̣lx̣alt - the day
35. ta̓ - no
36. ʔunexʷ - true
37. x̣e̓st - good
38. xʷiyxʷey̓uł - animals, birds
39. xʷiylwiʔs - walking around
Lucky Salamander
(Selected Words)
1. ac̓x̣nt - look at it
2. čičiy̓e - maternal granddaughters
3. čmiš - only, just
4. čočošiʔm - they yelled and yelled
5. čsx̣ʷtupsntm
6. č̓awm - he prayed
7. č̓łʔeʔims
8. eniʔ - oh my
9. ƛ̓e -
10. ox̣ʷtelt - baby
11. p̓ič̓ - shiney, gleaming
12. p̓x̣ʷp̓x̣ʷut - he is old. Aged parent. Ancestor. Grand parent
13. qn̓qeneʔ - paternal granddaughters
14. qx̣qax̣eʔ - aunties
15. qʷiʔtóps - blue tailed lizard
16. q̓ʷuʔmƛ̓tm - gathered
17. saʔswiʔlš - whispering
18. sc̓weneyti - Bigfoot
19. sč̓lwes - September. Month of dog salmon
20. (qeʔ) sewntm - we asked him
21. seʔw̓nt - he asked
22. sisiyus - smart
23. skʷumcn - left overs (food)
24. snpaʔqcin -
25. spentč - year
26. sp̓rk̓ʷaqs - turtle
27. spsuʔpsc - his tail
28. sqqpcilš
29. sumeš - spirit power
30. swet - who
31. sxʷl̓otqs - rabbit
32. sʔistč - winter
33. sʔiłn - food
34. ta piʔstem - never
35. tešlš - stand up
36. tetikʷeʔ - Aunt (male’s sister)
37. tma - because
38. wekʷm - he hid something
39. x̣ʷa - maybe
40. x̣sstel' - lucky/good luck
41. x̣x̣steyeʔ - skunk
42. yeyeʔ - maternal grandmother