snxʷmeneʔ nqʷlqʷeltn
6190 Agency Loop Road
PO Box 100
Wellpinit, WA 99040
Spokane Tribe Language and Culture
ƛ̓uxʷ šey̓ lʔe n šiyulexʷ We have always walked this land
Albert Sam
Lesson 2: Numbers
1 - nk̓ʷuʔ
2 - ʔesel
3 - čeʔłes
4 - mus
5 - cil
6 - t̓aq̓n
7 - sisp̓l̓
8 - hʔen̓m
9 - x̣x̣n̓ut
10 - ʔupn
11 - ʔupn heł nk̓ʷuʔ
12 - ʔupn heł ʔesel
13 - ʔupn heł čeʔłes
14 - ʔupn heł mus
15 - ʔupn heł cil
16 - ʔupn heł t̓aq̓n
17 - ʔupn heł sisp̓l̓
18 - ʔupn heł hʔen̓m
19 - ʔupn heł x̣x̣n̓ut
20 - ʔeslʔupn
21 - ʔeslʔupn heł nk̓ʷuʔ
22 - ʔeslʔúpn heł esel
30 - čeʔłʔupn
40 - msłʔupn
50 - clčłʔupn
60 - t̓q̓nčłʔupn
70 - ssp̓l̓č̓łʔupn
80 - heʔn̓młʔupn
90 - x̣x̣n̓tłʔupn
100 - nk̓ʷoʔqin
stem̓ łuʔ han qʷlqʷltew̓stn?
What is your phone number?
hin qʷlqʷltew̓stn kʷent 935-0397.
My number is 935-0397.
kʷ k̓ʷinš spentč?
How old are you?
čn _____.
I am _____.
k̓ʷinš spentč?
How old is s/he?