snxÊ·meneÊ” nqÊ·lqÊ·eltn
6190 Agency Loop Road
PO Box 100
Wellpinit, WA 99040
Spokane Tribe Language and Culture
ƛ̓uxʷ šey̓ lʔe n šiyulexʷ We have always walked this land
Albert Sam
huO suzsuM-M
Those Who Smell
Ou/ cQsipi/, puti? CYu sqeliz hu OiYe huO xixgciN TeLm, d/uz/uze/wsm t smOid, Ne Ou/ n sjjLiL qs De/zms. Ih! Ze/Yit!
A long time ago, as yet not yet any people and here these dogs filleted, they hung up all around the salmon, so in the sunshine they will dry. Oh! A lot!
hi jiL hayo, Ye nJu/ sjejst hu voslsu/t, hecyaF Ou/ smOi/ds hi Daw! ta steM! hu/e sus/uOtu/mS D snJe/lizs.
So red, they shone! Oh my, this one morning they realized a loss, all of their salmon all gone! Nothing left! Even though they asked around their neighbors.
ez pN hecyaF OnOe/nmt! jeNt SeY s g/e/m Oi Ye huO xixgciN Ne/ swet pnhe/Wsis, jeNt nsu/mpsis, Ou/ scnte/s, Ne swet iOn t smOid, jent nem hi miy hi miy puz t smOid!
Of course though everyone denied any part in their loss! So that’s when they began their search there dogs did if anyone they meet, they smell their butts, their logic beign if whoever ate their salmon, they would surely, surely smell of salmon!
tL Se/ hu ti/jO nJu/lmn Ou/ huO xixgciN, hu Oi YetOZa. ZL SeY hu hec nsu/mpsc hecyaF, hec gu/g/u/sms Ou scDe/zs smOid, t swet hu na/AmOtm.
From this they’ve gained a habit did these dogs, up to this day. That’s why they smell the butts of everyone, they’re still searching for their dried salmon, just who did steal from them.