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snxÊ·meneÊ” nqÊ·lqÊ·eltn
6190 Agency Loop Road
PO Box 100
Wellpinit, WA 99040
Spokane Tribe Language and Culture
ƛ̓uxʷ šey̓ lʔe n šiyulexʷ We have always walked this land
Albert Sam
Extra Lesson 6 -
Singular & Plural Words
snAugSn - sock
SeSu/tm - girl
sccMelt - child
sdJgustn - eye
sm/em - woman
ttwit - boy
Tene/ - ear
siPi/Sn - moccasin
Qe/Sin - shoe
spedst - glove
snAugAugSin - socks
SSeWSu/tm - girls
sJuJimLT - children
sdJgJgustn - eyes
peOpOJi/ - women
huO titWit - boys
TNTeNe/ - ears
sPsiPi/Sn - moccasins
QaQe/Sin - shoes
spdpedst - gloves
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